Crystal Oceanarium with Titanium Kyanite by Crystal Rock Star

Crystal Oceanariums

Keep the ocean close to your heart with the Crystal Oceanarium Collection

Crystal Oceanariums are mini ocean decor jars that have a hand curated collection of crystals and ocean treasures like blue titanium kyanite, titanium smokey quartz, titanium rainbow coral and baby starfish! These make the perfect keepsake gifts for surfers and mermaid lovers.

Crystal Oceanarium with Baby Starfish and Titanium Aura Quartz Cluster

titanium kyanite crystal oceanarium mermaid terrarium by

If you’re a swimmer, surfer or lover of the ocean, you will fall in love with these little jars of ocean love. Need a perfect birthday gift for the mermaid, dolphin or beach lover in your life? Consider surprising someone with this unique little keepsake.

My love for the ocean led me to create these Crystal Oceanariums for you, so that you can honor the energy of water in your sacred space! These crystal decor pieces would be great to place in your living room or desk space at work. Some have fine white sand and some have black sand like the beaches of Maui!

Crystal Oceanariums serve as energetic focus pieces to remind you to savor the simple treasures of life and to appreciate the “little things“. I was only able to create 5 unique styles, so get yours today before they’re scooped up!