
The Healing Properties of Water

Water is a life force!

Check out the intriguing video documentary below and you will never look at water the same again!

Water is an important life element with properties that can be influenced to improve your health. It can be imprinted, programmed, has memory and healing abilities. Because the body is made of 60%-75% water, the properties of this element can be applied to our overall well-being and self-healing.

Did you know that water has crystalline properties?  Snowflakes form unique crystallized sacred geometric patterns when liquid H20 freezes. These patterns can change depending on the frequency imposed upon the molecules.

If water can form crystals, just think about how the silica and water in your body has the ability to be influenced energetically by your thoughts, outside forces and holistic healing methods.

Water not only hydrates you, washes you and can provide a form of grounding via positive ions, water has the ability to change your vibration and energetic state when entrained by positive frequencies. Pretty cool huh?

The famous Japanese scientist, Dr. Masaru Emoto, studied the effects of water and photographed it’s crystalline formations in numerous scientific studies. He found that when water is subjected to positive words and thoughts, beautiful patterns evolve when viewed under a microscope. However, when negative thoughts and words were projected onto water, the patterns are jagged, broken and shall we say “ugly” compared to the positive vibration test.

Dr. Emoto also tested how various types of music affect the formation of crystals in water. He proved that difference frequencies/types of music, thoughts and feelings affect the physical make-up of water molecules. He created different focused intentions through written text, spoken words and music, and presented it to the same water samples. As a result, the water appeared to “change its expression”.

Dr. Emoto found that water from clear springs and water exposed to pleasant music and loving words created brilliant, complex and colorful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, and water exposed to negative thoughts and jarring music, formed incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors. Check out the images below and see what can happen to the structure of water in our bodies if we harbor negative thoughts…



Since you’ve got this important fluid in your body, just think about how positive and negative thoughts and vibrations can affect your overall well-being and energetic field.

The Healing Properties of Water

Knowing this fact, make an effort to try out these positive things to raise your vibration and the structure of water in your body:

  • Recite healing mantras
  • Think positive thoughts
  • Write down and recite out loud positive affirmations
  • Sing happy songs
  • Do sound tuning
  • Work with crystal sound bowls
  • Listen to music that you resonate with
  • Wear crystals to entrain your energetic vibrational rate
  • Spread the love and share positive words of encouragement and support to those you love

Learn more by watching this cool video about the Mystery of Water:


Photo credit: http://www.dontbeachicken.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/emoto-masuru.jpg