
Moldavite Meditation with the Sounds from Outer Space

So I’m close to becoming an Advanced Crystal Master and came across this cool space sounds video that was recommended for viewing in the course I’ve been taking with Hibiscus Moon.

I just want to share with you a mystical moldavite meditation idea that you can do while watching or listening to this video! The video is about NASA capturing electromagnetic sound vibrations in outer space using plasma wave antennae from their space probes.

Just remember, humans can hear between 20-20,000 Hz. Animals like dogs can hear a wider range of sounds. The sounds captured in this video are ones within human hearing range.

Now, if we were to hear a live recording of the sound vibrations from space, I could only imagine what it would sound like now due to the recent solar flares and transitionary current solar flip!

As a cool experiment to do while listening to this vid, I recommend busting out your favorite piece of Moldavite (see image below) or your favorite crystal to get a galactic meditation experience!



Some cool facts about Moldavite:

* Moldavite is a green Tektite created from meteorites hitting the Earth (specifically  in Czech Republic) and melting the surface upon impact.

* Use this activation stone only if you’re in a healthy and balanced state. It’s a highly energetic stone known to cause dizziness to some and can feel warm to the touch.

* Can provide an accelerated spiritual and synchronistic life experience when meditated with often. Just remember to use a small piece and meditate with it only in small time increments, like 15 minutes. Since the YouTube video I’ve posted is only 7 minutes long, you should be fine.

* The Neolithic people in Eastern Europe wore pieces of Moldavite at least 25,000 years ago.

* The earliest known goddess statue of the Venus of Willendorf was discovered at a digging site where there were a few Moldavite amulets also found.

* Use for activating the third eye and heart chakras.


Meditation Tips When Listening to the Space Sounds Video:

* Hold the moldavite in your receiving hand (usually your right) or place it on your third eye (forehead area above your eyebrows) or heart chakra (in the middle of your chest) while lying down in a comfortable space.

* Close your eyes if you wish and take a few deep breaths to calm your mind and body. Or if you wish to keep your eyes open to watch the video, that’s ok too!

* Imagine a green glowing orb of light floating above your head and let this light energy pour over your head and down your entire body while listening to the sounds. Imagine your heart area and third eye area absorbing this green light and continue breathing steadily throughout the whole meditation.

* So here we go…


Click to play the video: